Alcohol and Depression: The Link Between Alcoholism and Depression

Alcohol-induced brain damages were commonly observed in otherwise, uncomplicated alcoholics [58]. Thus, brain is one of the most vulnerable organs from alcohol-induced toxicity. Alcoholic patients with T2DM have repeatedly been found to have deregulation of the ghrelin and leptin systems, as indicated by impaired insulin secretion, increased hepatic glucose production and decreased peripheral glucose utilization. We recently reported that leptin potentially plays a role in the pathogenesis of T2DM affected by the insulin resistance in patients with alcohol dependence.

  • But when you drink alcohol, the liver is busy breaking the alcohol down, so it does a poor job of releasing glucose into the bloodstream.
  • Drinking moderately in accord with the recommended guidelines, should definitely not be ruled out.
  • Navigating the world of alcohol can be challenging for those living with diabetes.
  • These drinks are often full of sugar and empty calories and may increase blood sugar levels.
  • You should also make sure that whoever you’re with knows you have diabetes, and knows how to help with a hypo if you need them to.

In three patients, those changes did not reverse, even after months or years. The two other patients died as a result of complications indirectly related to their hypoglycemia-induced neurological changes. Therefore, to avoid alcohol-related hypoglycemia and its consequences, diabetics should consume alcohol only with or shortly after meals. Simultaneous treatment for alcohol use disorder and a depressive disorder can help you or your loved one take back control of your mental health, physical wellbeing, and overall happiness.


It’s imperative to understand the potential risks, monitor one’s blood sugar levels, and adhere to safe drinking practices. Remember, ongoing communication with healthcare providers is key to determining what’s most suitable for an individual’s diabetes management plan. An occasional social drink is usually harmless for people with diabetes. But if you do have diabetes, drinking safely involves more planning.

This amount is equal to one 12-ounce bottle of beer or wine cooler, one 5-ounce glass of wine, or 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits. In an average person, the liver breaks down roughly one standard alcoholic drink per hour. Any alcohol that the liver does not break down is removed by the lungs, kidneys, and skin through urine and sweat. Scientists extracted DNA from the brains of 144 deceased individuals with alcohol use disorder as well as from blood samples of 200 men with and without alcohol use disorder. They ran analyses on the samples to assess certain markers of biological age, specifically telomere length, epigenetic clocks, and mitochondrial DNA counts.

Signs of accelerated aging found in brains of individuals with alcohol use disorder

Because alcohol is highly addictive and research links heavy consumption to an array of adverse health effects, avoiding the beverage is the healthiest choice for anyone. View a list of calories and carbohydrates in popular alcoholic beverages on A Look at your Liquor. When it comes to pregnancy, there are several health concerns to be aware of, including the condition known as gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a temporary condition that occurs in certain women during pregnancy.

diabetes and alcohol

Alert friends and family about the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia and how these signs could differ from overconsumption of alcohol. Let them know how to check your blood sugar if you can’t and where you have your hypoglycemia treatments. If you are unconscious and experiencing severe hypoglycemia, encourage them to call 911 and to stay with you until emergency personnel arrive.

Treatment of BFS

Although it typically disappears after giving birth, it is vital to effectively diagnose and manage it throughout pregnancy to ensure the well-being of both the mother and the baby. Learn more about diabetes and alcohol how is gestational diabetes diagnosed and its importance in pregnancy health. Most people benefit from consuming a snack or meal that contains some complex carbohydrates, protein, and fat.

diabetes and alcohol

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